[pvrusb2] My HVR-1950 IR Remote does work

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Wed Jun 10 22:44:20 CDT 2009

On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Roger wrote:

> On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 20:00 -0500, Mike Isely wrote:
> > Then again if Roger is able to make this at least partially work then 
> > maybe everything I've said above is unneeded.
> The post just prior to this one, I posted a quick IRW output of just
> pushing two buttons.
> You might have missed the post Mike or you're just catching-up.
> Irw reports using the configuration for "Hauppauge_350"

The configuration you refer to here has nothing to do with the IR 
receiver hardware.  Rather, what that configuration does is provide 
instruction to the lirc daemon on how to decode the binary data already 
coming from the IR receiver.

So my point here, again, is that if you have 2 buttons already working 
then you should be able to get ALL of the buttons working.  To even get 
just ONE button to work means that you're already talking correctly to 
the IR receiver.  Given that, then the rest of the problem is just in 
your LIRC configuration for the remote - "Hauppauge_350" might be close 
but you might need to try something else (or hand craft a new 
configuration which I've done in the past).

> I just earlier today tested all the buttons on my hvr-1950 remote and
> conclude all the buttons do appear to work just fine (for Gentoo's lirc
> build).
> # uname -a
> Linux localhost2.local 2.6.29-gentoo-r4Y #9 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 2
> 03:38:16 AKDT 2009 i686 Pentium III (Coppermine) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
> =app-misc/lirc-0.8.4a
> (The above versions have all been posted to this list already.)
> The only over site I can think of is, Gentoo packages the lirc package
> and applies patches.  Along with this kernel also, it does have some
> patches too, but most relevant patches for this issue are going to be
> the lirc ones.

Kernel level patches have to do with the driver for whatever IR receiver 
you are using.  That has nothing to do with the "configuration" in 

> Viewing my distro's patch files for lirc does show quite a few.
> I think, if people *are* using the same lirc version as myself, and
> their older pvrusb2 device does work, they should try grepping the
> Gentoo lirc patch files or applying them manually as one debug method.
> Really, I think users should file a bug report with their distro at this
> point if it isn't something with their configuration.
> One thing I just noticed, my /etc/lircd.conf file doesn't seem to be
> provided by my distro's Lirc ebuild.  It provides several Hauppauge
> remotes, for which the Hauppauge_350 is used for the HVR-1950 remote.
> (I'm wondering if I got this config file from Mike's site at one time?)
> See attachment!  (I'll also send the attch to ric incase this gets
> stripped.)

The lircd.conf file supplied with pvrusb2 standalone snapshot 
(misc/lircd.conf) has not changed in a very long time.  It only defines 
a single remote, named "hauppaugegrey".  It does not correspond to what 
you attached.

> (One other neat note, /dev/lirc0 & /dev/lirc1 exists and it would seem
> lirc picks-up the IR signals even with the /dev/lirc0 unplugged -- even
> though /etc/conf.d/lirc is defined to use /dev/lirc0.  However, I'm
> still initially going through all these configurations a little at a
> time.)

I suspect that there are some factors at work here that you are not 
following.  I recommend you review the LIRC documentation.



Mike Isely
isely @ isely (dot) net
PGP: 03 54 43 4D 75 E5 CC 92 71 16 01 E2 B5 F5 C1 E8

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