[pvrusb2] Hauppauge WINTV PVR

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Fri Jan 28 21:27:59 CST 2011

On Fri, 28 Jan 2011, Lorne Shantz wrote:

> I have been using TVtime and the pvrusb2 driver for over a month now, 
> and could not be happier. It is stable as a rock. I'm a little 
> embarrassed to ask this here, but with the record function, then I 
> lose the ability to see what is recording. If I bought another one, 
> would I be then able to record one channel, while viewing another? In 
> other words, will this driver load for two devices at the same time?

I think you mean tv-viewer, not tvtime.  Every time I see "tvtime" 
referenced, I suddenly think that the impossible has happened and tvtime 
has gained the ability to decode mpeg.  But then I looked up old e-mail 
from you and realized you're really talking about tv-viewer.  Shame on 
you for giving me false hope ;-)

To answer your question, yes the driver can run as many devices as you 
can plug in.  Internally the driver handles everything correctly on a 
per-instance basis.  This logic all works perfectly and has been this 
way since the early days.  I've tested this in the past and I've read 
multiple accounts of people in the past setting multi-tuner PVR systems 
this way.

A possible alternative to the problem you're thinking about might 
involve the use of "tee" command.  Look it up.  You might be able to 
convince the author of tv-viewer to also look it up...



Mike Isely
isely @ isely (dot) net
PGP: 03 54 43 4D 75 E5 CC 92 71 16 01 E2 B5 F5 C1 E8

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