[pvrusb2] hardware query for you all...

Roger J. Allen rja at firkraag.rogera.net
Fri Aug 3 02:28:24 CDT 2007

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Mike Isely wrote:

> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 21:59:45 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Mike Isely <isely at isely.net>
> Reply-To: Communications nexus for pvrusb2 driver <pvrusb2 at isely.net>
> To: Communications nexus for pvrusb2 driver <pvrusb2 at isely.net>
> Subject: Re: [pvrusb2] hardware query for you all...
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Mark Goldberg wrote:
>> The seperate IR Receiver is about a 2" X 2" X1/2" box with a usb
>> connector on the back and two jacks for IR blasters. It came with one
>> IR blaster on a long wire. It says TSES-IR01
>> on the back. Besides being connected to usb also, it does not connect
>> to the pvrusb at all. It also came with a mce remote with the green
>> windows button in the middle.

Mine looks the same, but it says "SMK" on the bottom.  Nothing
on the back.


>> I followed the instructions in the mythtv mce remote wiki and links from there:
>> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote
>> Mark
> Yes, I was suspecting sure that the MCE kit variant with the external IR
> blaster also had its IR receiver in that same module.  Thus there either
> can't be an IR receiver at all in the PVR USB2 device or it is there but
> has somehow been disabled.  This is what I'm trying to get at.
> This person's device doesn't appear to have working IR reception, which
> suggests it is an MCE kit device.  However he opened it up and it does
> have the photodiode and the IR receiver chip.  And what's more, the IR
> receiver chip is seen by the IR chip-level drivers in Linux.  Yet still,
> the remote he got with it more closely resembles the MCE kit remote
> rather than the "normal" remote.  He's got a 29xxx model so it can't be
> any of the newer MCE kit devices where the IR blaster is included in the
> device itself.
> So we're just trying to figure out if the IR isn't working because it's
> either broken or it if really is an MCE kit device.

My MCE kit WinTV-PVR-USB2 has a working IR receiver (but it is a very
old model).  The built-in IR receiver on the MCE kit does NOT work with
the MCE remote (RC5 vs RC6?).  The built-in IR receiver works with
lirc_i2c and the older WinTV-PVR-USB2 remotes (and about half of the
remotes that I have laying around my home).

The MCE remote works with the outboard beanbag transceiver (and it
works with an Xbox360).

If the info from this old driver version, pvrusb2-mci-20060121, is
missing something, let me know and I can get a copy of the logs from
the current driver version that I am running now.


> It would be interesting to know for example if the known MCE kit
> variants have something unique in their model string.  It would be even
> more useful to know if those devices happened to still have a vestigal
> IR circuit that's been deactivated.  But no, I'm not asking anyone to
> open their device and find out.  But if you do, you can compare the guts
> with some photos of a 29xxx device here:
>  http://www.isely.net/gallery2/v/PVR+Hardware/PVRUSB2+2/
> (If you click on the "full res" version of the mainboard photo there's
> enough detail to see every last via on the board.  I created those
> photos early on when I started working on this driver.)
> Anyway, anything you can add would be useful.  The use in question is
> not currently subscribed to this list; I've been helping him in IRC.
> But I've also asked him to watch the mail archives in case something
> jumps out at him.
>  -Mike

Roger J. Allen                                     Voice:  (312)-587-0690
Internet: rja at rogera.net                             FAX:  (312)-587-0691

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