[pvrusb2] bugreport: Change ctl_audio_mode not works

Helmut Toplitzer pvrusb2 at toplitzer.net
Thu Jun 1 15:47:16 CDT 2006

Didn't work here too. However changing to the
second language channel works. Only first (not original)
works not (plays also the second channel).

Also tried left/right of mythtv with doesn't work either.
In none of the settings. 

Best situation is a clear second
language channel on Mono/Lang1/Lang2.

Linux tuxic


>cat debuginfo
big lock free; ctl lock free
driver flags: initialized ok connected
Subsystems enabled / configured: +ENC_FIRMWARE +ENC_CFG +DIG_RUN +USB_RUN 
Subsystems disabled / unconfigured:
Attached I2C modules:
eeprom @ 0x50 [v4l2_standard v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume v4l2_freq v4l2_size 
MSP3415G-B8 @ 0x40 (handler: pvrusb2-audio (old routing) v4l2) [v4l2_standard 
v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume v4l2_freq v4l2_size v4l2_log]
saa7115 @ 0x21 (handler: pvrusb2-video-v4l (old routing)) [v4l2_standard 
v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume v4l2_freq v4l2_size v4l2_log]
Philips PAL/SECAM multi (FM1216ME MK3) @ 0x61 (handler: pvrusb2-tuner) 
[v4l2_standard v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume v4l2_freq v4l2_size v4l2_log]
tda9887 @ 0x43 (handler: pvrusb2-demod) [v4l2_standard v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume 
v4l2_freq v4l2_size v4l2_log]
Hauppauge IR @ 0x18 [v4l2_standard v4l2_bcsh v4l2_volume v4l2_freq v4l2_size 

pvrusb2: /*--TRACE_COMMIT--*/ "audio_mode" <-- Lang1 <enum>
pvrusb2: i2c msp3400 v4l2 set_stereo
pvrusb2: /*--TRACE_COMMIT--*/ "audio_mode" <-- Lang2 <enum>
pvrusb2: i2c msp3400 v4l2 set_stereo
pvrusb2: /*--TRACE_COMMIT--*/ "audio_mode" <-- Mono <enum>
pvrusb2: i2c msp3400 v4l2 set_stereo
pvrusb2: /*--TRACE_COMMIT--*/ "audio_mode" <-- Stereo <enum>
pvrusb2: i2c msp3400 v4l2 set_stereo


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4563 F4FB 0B7E 8698 53CD  00E9 E319 35BD 6A91 1656

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