[pvrusb2] IR Question?

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Wed Jan 18 13:07:42 CST 2006


You have to do 2 basic things: Select and load an lirc driver appropriate 
to the IR receiver hardware, and then configure lirc to work with the 
remote you have.  The first thing obviously has to do with the tuner 
device while the other has purely to do with your specific remote.

This probably isn't going to be very helpful, but...

1. Go to LIRC web site and download their tarball.  You want to use 
version 0.7.0 or later.

2. Expand it and follow the installation instructions for setting it up. 
When you have to choose which lirc driver to use, select the "Hauppauge" 
driver.  This is a module that will load into the kernel to operate the 
specific chip that exists in all PVR USB2 devices.  Actually it seems that 
all Hauppauge devices with IR reception capability apparently use the same 
chip (unlike the situation with the tuner types).

3. After the driver module is build, just modprobe it into the kernel.  At 
this point, you should see messages from the pvrusb2 driver in the log 
reporting that another I2C module has attached itself to the driver.

4. At this point, the procedure to follow is no different than for 
anything other LIRC setup.  You need to get the lircd daemon working and 
you need to configure it for all the remote(s) you plan on using.  The 
pvrusb2 driver snapshot includes an lirc config file for the remote 
usually packaged with the device, but if you have/want to use a different 
remote then that's really outside the scope of the driver.  But once 
you've got the correct lirc kernel module installed and attached to the 
pvrusb2 driver then everything from this point forward is "generic" and is 
purely an issue having to do with lirc.

The above might not be entirely accurate - the last time I worked through 
this process was almost a year ago.  But I have received multiple reports 
over time from others who say this all works as expected.

If you substitute "ivtv" for "pvrusb2", then this same procedure should 
work for ivtv.  I point this out because there really isn't anything 
special that the pvrusb2 driver has to do beyond making the device's 
internal I2C bus visible to kernel I2C modules, which it does.

If you use the Debian distro, the lirc sources are also available as a 
package there.  However I've found that the packaging is pretty lousy, so 
I grabbed the upstream sources instead.


On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Miephos wrote:

> Hi,
> You get the IR reciever working, thats perfect. I don't get it working. Can
> you send me a short howto what I have to do, that it works.
> ~miephos
> Am Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2006 00:46 schrieb Jeff Sadowski:
>> I was reading somewhere about some tv tuner cards
>> having both IR receivers and transmitters. I was
>> thinking of buying a usb IR transceiver that works
>> with linux but I wonder if maybe anyone knows if the
>> pvrusb2 has a transmiter? I know I got it working with
>> LIRC receiving but I never tried transmitting? Does
>> anyone know for certain?
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