[pvrusb2] Battery Powered :-)

roger@eskimo.com roger at eskimo.com
Thu Aug 3 18:26:12 CDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 10:29 -0700, Jeff Sadowski wrote:
> Wahoo I fould a prebuilt Voltage Regulator that
> matches almost perfectly. Its originally designed for
> model airplanes but fits the output specs almost
> perfectly.
> Input voltage 6 to 25
> >= 2Amps
> (Any Regular RC Car Battery pack)
> Output Voltage 2 Amps at 6 Volts (almost exactly what
> the  transformer that comes with the tv tuner. Its
> like .1 Volt off but that should be acceptable)
> Its called a Potencia 2 Amp BEC
> MR-BEC-35020-6
> Its really small too.
> I'm using it with a 6 Cell car battery that I got from
> Radio Shack. That I can use a 15 min car charger to
> recharge.
> It powers up the device I'll be using it for a while
> and report my results like how long I can get from a
> full charge.
> I got the head from Radio shack also I'll try and find
> the exact head I got model wise but it has an orange color.

I usually post model numbers as you've done above along with a brief
description.  Consider putting together a small webpage on your little
project? ;-)

So, if one is out in a rural area, they have a way to convert video from
a vcr (as long as the vcr has a battery) using composite.  You can also
use the FM Radio.

But what about the tuner (as this is the meat of the thing)?  

One thought comes to mind, have the unit be able to tune into digital
signals using a mini satellite dish?

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