[pvrusb2] LG tuner - works for me

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Fri Dec 9 00:18:55 CST 2005

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Armin Herbert wrote:

> I compiled a vanilla kernel. I use tveeprom.ko, msp3400.ko and
> tuner.ko from that kernel, and saa7115.ko and pvrusb2.ko from
> pvrusb2-mci-20051208.
> Using the tveeprom.ko shipped with pvrusb2 still gives me a symbol version
> error, which is really risible now, since I don't have any other kernel
> release or modules on my harddisk anymore and I've built it in a clean
> environment.

I've posted another message on the list about this.  I do NOT understand 
what is wrong here, as I can't reproduce the error yet.

Are you really, really sure that you built both the driver and ivtv 
subdirectories of pvrusb2 with exactly the same build environment?  Try 
this: Copy the *.ko files to a holding area, do a make clean in both 
areas, visually confirm that there are no *.o or *.ko files left laying 
around, rebuild the drivers, then diff the results against what you 
copied to the holding area.  Are they still the same?

Either the tveeprom.ko from the pvrusb2 driver is being built differently 
than the pvrusb2.ko from the pvrusb2 driver, or you're not really loading 
the tveeprom.ko that you think you are loading...  I can't come up with 
any other explanation.

> pvrusb2 has recognized my tuner now and I'm able to tune in to most
> channels. Some channels don't work, e. g. E2 on 48,25 MHz, which at most
> german cable providers is ARD. Fine tuning also doesn't work.

The driver doesn't have anything to do with fine tuning.  Apps just tell 
it what frequency to tune and the driver does what is asked.  The driver 
has no direct knowledge of frequency <-> channel relations and thus "fine 
tuning" has no explicit meaning.  Instead the app really has to adjust the 
frequency values it sends to the driver - if in fact you really do need to 
perform some fine tuning.

> I still believe I have to get the new firmware from the newer driver. If I
> happen to have lots of time left, which I doubt, I'll do that some day.
> At the latest before the soccer world championship ;-)

Certainly worth a test, but I suspect it won't change anything.  The 8051 
firmware affects I2C communication and encoder communication.  The encoder 
firmware affects only, well, the encoder.  There's no firmware involved in 
controlling the tuner - that's all up to the driver.


                         |         Mike Isely          |     PGP fingerprint
      Spammers Die!!     |                             | 03 54 43 4D 75 E5 CC 92
                         |   isely @ pobox (dot) com   | 71 16 01 E2 B5 F5 C1 E8
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